Death no longer can appal me;
Jesus lives! Death's reign is done!
From the grave Christ will recall me.
Brighter scenes will then commence;
This shall be my confidence.
And of that, I am most confident. Jesus lives, His Word says so! Though others may dismiss it as foolishness, I am convinced because I have been given faith in the waters of Holy Baptism.
Arguments against the resurrection have no sway. "His body was stolen," you may argue. "By whom?" I ask. Certainly not the apostles, or there would be no new testament; any act against the seal of Pilate on the grave would have been met with swift action by the Romans--a crime against Caesar. And what would His enemies have to gain by stealing the body from the grave? Nothing! He must have risen, as He said He would. And as His Word delcares this to be truth, by grace, I believe it.
And as I have been Baptized into His death, likewise have I been Baptized into His resurrection. Jesus has died my death that I may live His life--eternal life. By the shedding of His blood, I have the forgiveness of sins; not the assurance of it, but the certain promise and reality--my sins are indeed forgiven. And as proof, my God has raised this Jesus from the dead.
Though I sin against Him, He still deigns to call me brother. Though I in sin deny His Father, He still deigns to call me a son and co-heir with Christ. Such is the grace of God, YHWH! All because Jesus lives.
Therefore, what fear should I have of death. Should Jesus not return in my lifetime and my life on earth end, it is but a means to enter into His kingdom. There, I shall live with my Lord. All because Jesus lives!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia!
Jesus lives! and now is death
But the gate of life immortal;
This shall calm my trembling breath
When I pass its gloomy portal.
Faith shall cry, as fails each sense,
Jesus is my confidence!